My Favourite Piece of Technology

Hello everyone, this week I will tell you about my favorite piece of technology... 😀

The truth is that, within all the technology available on the market, personally my favorite is mobile phones, since cell phone was the first important gift I received from my parents and it was my first approach also with technology and since then it has been with which I have interacted the most in the day.

When I was a kid, the use I gave my phone was very basic, I would just download games and get calls from my family. But over the years I discovered more things from the cell phone and I no longer use it just to receive calls, but I also make them, write and receive emails from friends, college and family, I look for information. I also capture many photos and post them on my social networks, video calls I make, movies watch and series and the most important thing for me and what I do the most is listen to my playlist in youtube music.

Since I had my first cell phone that was feminine (pink) to this day has totally changed my life, for me it is no longer like an object and only that, but I feel it as a part of me, I have become quite dependent, because I spend most of my time using what to do of my personal or university things and more now in the context of pandemic that we cannot see ourselves , this makes it easier for me to keep in touch with all my loved ones.

My first phone.

If I had to recommend a technological device, it would be the cell phone for the reasons mentioned above and also because the intelligence of these devices is incredible, you can give it the use you want and it opens up a world of possibilities.

My favorite cell phone



  1. I loved the color of your first cell phone !, I wish I had had a similar one :c , mine was black because "boy color" haha, you liked to download games? tell me you had a "pou" haha, it was very entertaining to have one.

  2. Hi! Just like you I think that the cellphone is very usefull. I like a lot play games in the smartphone, in fact I love candy crush haahhah. Also I like take photos especially from my cat hahhha

  3. When i see that phone it reminds me of Steve Jobs jaja

  4. hahaha I had that same mobile phone but in black, it was too small, very adorable

  5. hahahahaha, i had the same first phone, on that time it feels like the iphone 11 :D


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