In my first publications I commented that I am studying Design with mention in Industrial and services.
Every day we interact with countless objects, from a bed, cell phone, chair, computer, etc., and everything around us is Design. From my point of view I believe that design in general terms affects the world in two ways, whether for good that should be right or for bad, by this I mean that a good designer creates thinking of satisfying a need, fulfilling a function and that such creation adapts to the human being and not the other way around , therefore, a designer comes to improve people's lives. On the contrary, it happens when it is designed without considering the user and does not satisfy a need, in this case only meaningless things are created and that often end up in waste, generating pollution, therefore, in that case it affects in a bad way.
Although I have two years to finish my degree, I hope that in the future I can contribute to society for good, question what changes can I make? solve problems, present improvements to the community, from creativity, empathy, functionality and sustainability.
And finally, the design career is such a broad and beautiful profession, and the only thing it seeks is to be able to contribute to society for good, facilitate our day to day and improve our environment.
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